Wednesday, March 3, 2010

America's Best Grappling Academy....

...Just happens to be my school.  At least according to Tapout Magazine.  =)  I tend to agree with them.

There was a two page article on my school in this months issue, the one with Frank Mir on the cover.

It seems strange to me that seven months ago I had no idea what BJJ was, and now I am completely and totally obsessed, and grapple almost every single day.  BJJ has changed my life for the better in so many ways.  I seriously don't know where I would be with out it.  It helped me get through one of the most difficult times in my life.

Not only that, but I stumbled into one of the best schools in the country.  I probably couldn't repeat that if I tried.

On top of all of that, I have a whole new second family.  Seriously.  I love everyone at my school, and feel accepted there.  My kids come with me to class sometimes, and while I know they are an epic pain in the rear, I still feel welcome to bring them.  Fabio's pregnant wife, Roberta, and son come to most classes too, just to hang out.  I love that.  And I love how Fabio announced to the whole class when they found out Roberta was pregnant, and when they found out they were getting the girl they wanted.  It is so much more then just an academy where I train.  They really are like my second family.

I love Fabio Novaes BJJ!


  1. Ah, one of the best, not THE best. I was confused for a moment there, as while I'm sure it's good, I would have thought the best in the US would be somewhere like Renzo, Saulo, Alliance HQ etc.
