I love triangles. I tend to catch them more than anything else due to the fact that I like to play from my back, as well as the fact that my legs are 20 foot long spaghetti noodles. I have yet to meet a shoulder neck combination I can't get my legs around. Obviously, I am talking about willing participants here.
On top of that I have a gimped grip so I am relying heavily on my legs for pretty much everything right now.
Taking those things into consideration, I was pretty pleased that last night Fabio went over triangles... and by pretty please, I mean stupid over the moon happy.
He went over all those little things that make everything oh-so much more amazing. For example where you grab the head to pull down, and the importance of hipping up.
In other news, I was practicing MMA Jiu-jitsu last night. Sadly, it was against my own will, and the will of those unfortunate enough to have had to grapple me. I've mentioned in the past that I love to grapple Yeti. He asked me if I wanted to roll after class last night, and I am not one to turn down a grapple... especially when the invite is from an awesome purple belt. I am sure he regretted his offer though. Not only did I close fist punch him in the mouth when I was trying to swim his neck, but I kneed him in the head... twice. And worst of all, at one point I had a scissor sweep set up... (Yeti lets me work.) It felt right at least. I knew I was set up properly, but I didn't actually look at my leg placement. The leg that should have been booted against his torso... was booted against his neck... and when I went to sweep I pretty much kicked him in the side of the neck. Hard.
I am a douche bag, Yeti. I know you never would, but please kick me in the neck next time you have the opportunity.